Oncology Lymphatic Massage for Cancer Patients

Cancer and Massage

Patients with cancer may find value from a massage as a supplement to their treatment. Oncology massage can benefit those living with or post-cancer in different ways.

A look at recent studies found that “overall, massage therapy seems to be more effective than other active treatments evaluated for reducing pain intensity/severity, fatigue, and anxiety in cancer patients.” Each individual facing cancer, chemotherapy or post-cancer will need to determine what is best for their individual needs, but cancer massage therapy is often a great addition to their ongoing care. 

Lack of awareness of massage for oncology rehabilitation is a predominant factor in patients not pursuing this care. Massage for cancer patients is a safe complementary therapy with little to no adverse reactions and several advantages. 

Is Oncology Massage the Same as a Regular Massage?

There are differences between cancer massage therapy and a standard massage. Oncology massage and regular massage are different in their approach, techniques, and considerations. Oncology lymphatic massage is a specialized form of massage therapy tailored specifically for individuals dealing with cancer and its associated challenges. Here's how it differs from a regular massage:

  1. Specialized Training: Oncology massage therapists undergo specialized training to understand the complexities of cancer, its treatments, and the unique needs of cancer patients. Most importantly, they are trained to modify treatments for those who are at risk of developing lymphedema- anyone who has received radiation or had lymph nodes removed. They are well-versed in the potential side effects of cancer treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

  2. Adaptation: Massage techniques are adapted to accommodate the physical changes, sensitivities, and limitations that cancer patients may experience. Oncology therapists modify pressure, positioning, and even the choice of oils to ensure comfort and safety.

  3. Medical Clearance: Prior to a cancer massage, a massage therapist will conduct a  thorough medical history review and often consultation with the patient's medical team to ensure the massage is safe and suitable.

  4. Symptom Management: Oncology massage can help alleviate cancer-related symptoms such as pain, fatigue, anxiety, and nausea. Regular massages primarily focus on relaxation and stress reduction.

  5. Goals: While regular massages aim to relax, reduce stress, and promote general well-being, massage for cancer patients has specific therapeutic goals, including pain relief, improved sleep, and enhanced quality of life for cancer patients.

  6. Timing: Oncology massages are typically administered at specific points during the cancer journey, such as before or after treatments, surgery, or during recovery, whereas regular massages can be received at any time for general relaxation.

Oncology massage is a specialized and highly individualized form of therapy designed to provide comfort, relief, and support for individuals dealing with cancer. It prioritizes safety and addresses the unique physical and emotional challenges faced by people with cancer, setting it apart from a regular massage.

Is it Ok For Cancer Patients to Get a Massage?

While it is safe for cancer patients to get a massage, there are some areas to avoid. It is best to avoid deep tissue massage and some aromatherapy oils can cause a negative reaction in patients as well.

Care should be taken with patients that have a very low platelet count. A therapist may investigate further into a patient's medical history and with their medical team if this is the situation. If you have had surgery involving lymph nodes or received radiation, a specialized massage therapist will know how to safely work with you. 

What Type of Massage is Best For Cancer Patients?

Relaxation massage to alleviate stress and tension is an excellent treatment for anyone going through cancer treatments. An oncology massage therapist can work safely around areas of radiation, lymph node removal or medical ports. 

Lymphatic drainage massage is often recommended for cancer patients as it is a light, gentle technique to stimulate the lymphatic system and encourage lymph fluid drainage Shoulder mobility can be addressed following breast cancer treatment and any swelling or lymphedema concerns can be monitored and treated. 

Is it Ok To Get Massage Therapy During Chemotherapy?

Yes! Massage therapy during chemotherapy can help a patient reduce some of the anxiety found with treatment, help to combat nausea, and to control pain. 

Chemotherapy can increase your risk of bruising. It is important to be aware of this as massage could worsen this effect. Talk to your doctors or oncology massage therapist if this is an area of concern for you. 

Benefits of Oncology Massage Therapy

Different clients may see different benefits. Here are some of the benefits to oncology massage therapy we see most often:

  • Decrease in nausea caused by chemotherapy

  • Improvement in sleep quality

  • Reduction in cancer-related fatigue

  • Decrease pain

  • Improve anxiety, stress, or depression

  • Increase the reaction of the immune system

Patients may also find other psychological benefits with regular oncology massage therapy. 

Book an Oncology Lymphatic Massage in Calgary

If you would like a massage session while facing cancer treatment, chemotherapy or post-cancer, book an appointment at our SW Calgary clinic. Jana specializes in Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) massage for individuals with cancer or other specialized health concerns.